Conceptualization of Digital Twins in an Education Services Environment: A Straw Man Proposal

Digital twins have been used in manufacturing to describe, predict, and prescribe responses to complex problems. The digital twin is a constellation of technologies that mirror physical objects in the virtual world, including what has happened, is happening and could or should happen in the future for the mirrored object. What is common in previous conceptualizations of digital twins is that there is a physical boundary to the extent that digital twins can mirror real objects (sometimes including the objects’ environments). We propose a blended approach, using McKinsey’s straw man and Parmar et al.’s. (2020) framework, to offer a more rigorously structured process for arriving at a refined conceptualization of digital twins in the educational service environment.

Sylvester, A., Mines, R., David, R., & Campbell-Meier, J. (2023). Conceptualization of Digital Twins in an Education Services Environment: A Straw Man Proposal. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.