Is Your Library Website Missing Essential Information?: A Comparison and Evaluation of Public Library Websites in Australia, Canada, and United States

This paper describes the findings of a quantitative study of 1,698 public library websites in Australia, Canada, and the United States over a period of three years using a spreadsheet protocol. The purpose of the research was to evaluate public library websites, available online sources, and whether library staff were available to respond to users’ questions and concerns regarding the website. Descriptive statistics are used to report the results. The study provides public library website information regarding which protocol criteria each country’s libraries attained.

Velasquez, D. & Campbell-Meier, J. (2022). Is your library website missing essential Information? An evaluation and comparison of public library websites in Australia, Canada, and the United States. Journal of Web Librarianship, 16(3), 165-183. DOI: 10.1080/19322909.2022.2104777